Photograph byJolka Igolka

A Landscape of Women's Stories

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Week Ending 4th July 2010

Greetings from the Mapping Me team. Not a lot to report this week, I'm afraid. We are steadily reading through submissions and contacting writers from round one. At the weekly meeting today, we discussed the artwork we would like to see in the final product. It is a particularly hard task when the quality has been exceptionally high.

Just a reminder to writers: please don't send us anything in docx format. This seems to be primarily a mac extension (please correct me if I'm wrong) so make sure that you save your document in word 2003. Unfortunately, I am struggling to read docx as my computer doesn't have the latest word and converting it to a readable text will disrupt any special formatting you might have saved. That being said, certainly we will not be turning down these submissions and personally, any editor who would is shooting themselves in the foot. It would make our lives easier (and yours) if we can read a text exactly as how you intended it.

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